Promote Public Regard for the Constitution and America’s Charters of Freedom
Our country faces growing national amnesia of the constitutional foundations of our freedom and self-government.

On most school days at the American Village students step into roles as delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. They discover a remarkable document that begins with the words “We the People…” They gaze at the “Rising Sun Chair” and perhaps realize that individually as citizens and leaders they will help decide whether the sun is still a rising sun for our country.
The American Village aims to broaden and enhance the impact of its programs based on the Constitution and America’s Charters of Freedom. The centerpiece of this facility and educational program expansion will be Independence Hall and Congress Hall Classrooms.
Inspired by America’s Independence Hall and adjoining Congress Hall of Philadelphia, the American Village’s expansion will be an extraordinary setting for both student and public programs with a compelling focus on America’s great Charters of Freedom:
- The Declaration of Independence
- The United States Constitution
- The Bill of Rights
These documents are more than historic relics on old parchment. They represent what Jefferson called “the creed of our political faith; the text of civic instruction.” They remain our Nation’s fundamental principles that “secure the blessings of liberty” to this and future generations.